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Wed, 02
May 2001 6:40pm Quinn is home from the hospital, and has been since last Tuesday. He is SO much happier without that horrid NG tube down his throat. The first day we brought him home he was sitting in his swing just laughing and talking to himself, he was so pleased. We've started taking him places now - a little at a time - he's been to the grocery store a couple of times and to the baby store. We've also taken him to Sunday brunch with friends and family, which was just a wonderful time. He is getting better and better about making public appearances, as long as we time it right. His new favourite pastime is to sit outside on the porch swing with either of us and just watch the world - he has gotten to the point where when all else fails, this is the thing to do that will ALWAYS calm him down. He's my boy, all right, just like Mommy. He's eating a jar of baby food a day and has begun to nipple a bit each feeding again - it's definitely a good start to learning to eat. He loves the fruit. I've tried to feed him peas and sweet potatoes and he'd have none of it. Can't say I blame him, I hate peas myself. He'll probably like them later when he can eat the whole pea. Fri, 18 May 2001 6:52pm Quinn is a happy little guy with his new G-tube. He's eating baby food, loves fruit, won't take the veggies, but at this point, anything he eats makes me happy, so I don't push it. He's not really nippling any more, but at this point I don't think that's really an issue - he is almost 7 months old and will soon be graduating to regular food anyway. He's teething, but not fussily yet, just drooling everywhere and chewing on everything including his toes. He's doing really well progressing with his fine motor skills and cognitively is even a little ahead of his age group. When he gets the button for his G-tube, which will be flush against his skin, we will begin to be more aggressive about PT in exercises for getting him ready to crawl. He's so sweet and so happy, we fall more and more in love with him as each day passes. I love just watching him learn and develop and explore the world around him. Our daily activity, several times a day, in fact, is sitting outside on the porch swing and watching the world. He loves that so much. We've been taking him out more and more places, too - stores and visiting family and such - little by little we are getting him acclimated to the rest of the world. He's still a little edgy in large groups but is making definite progress. Fri, 01 Jun 2001 14:57 Quinn got his button today.
That means no more tube sticking out from his belly, just
a little button that only comes out about 1/4" if
that. He didn't enjoy it, it hurt, but he's all better
now and is resting happily. Thu, 05 Jul 2001 . Well, he's cutting teeth - he has one little one peeking up from the gums - it's about 1/4 of the way in now. There are 3 others just showing little nubs. So he's a bit fussy sometimes these days, but not very much so. He's doing very well in physical therapy, getting a little more accustomed to being on his belly and is now able to roll over from belly to back on his own, and from back to belly with very little help. That brings him that much closer to sitting on his own, and eventually crawling. He just has to get his balance for sitting, as he seems to have the strength there for it. What else? Oh, he HATES the heat, although I understand that most HLHS babies and kids do, as their ability to regulate body temp is hampered by the hard work the heart has to do all the time. So this summer we're spending a LOT of time in "The Pod" (our house). He likes to go out in the morning when it's cooler and sit on the porch swing, but he sweats quickly, so it's not for long. He even sweats in his sleep, with the AC blasting and no covers on (even if we DO try to put them on him he kicks them off). All in all, he's a happy baby, though, he loves to read his books, play in his Gymini, explore EVERYTHING he can get his hands on, pet the kitties, watch the world. His Gigi and Papa got him a Johnny Jump Up and he LOVES to play in that - he bounces so high, and spins around, and just laughs and laughs. It's just delightful to watch him play and interact with his world. We couldn't ask for more. Thu, 12 Jul 2001 Quinn and I went to his
cardiologist today for a routine check-up. No big deal, usually it's BPs
and O2 stats, listen to his heart, take an x-ray, feel his liver, and
questions, that sort of thing. Well, today we got Quinn is 9 months old now and
weighs 18# 7oz at last weigh-in. He's 29-30" long and is a happy
little man. Our newest adventure is "eating and how do we get him
to do it". Thu, 30 Aug 2001 I've been putting this off for awhile - so much has changed in Quinn's eating in the past few weeks!!! The dietician cut his intake in half via the G-tube, and for the first few days, it was ugly. He was fussy, didn't know why he was uncomfortable, had much less energy (he still does) and became very clingy. We kept trying to feed him, 4 times a day, through all of this, to no avail. But then something happened. He started gnawing on those graham crackers and teether cookies we kept placing in front of him, and he started drinking from his sippy cup more often, and he even started taking baby food from us! Now, he's not eating anywhere close to what might sustain him, and for all those wondering, it will still be a long time before that tube comes out, but this is a great stride he's made, eating even this much. He's even gagging less when he gets a bite in his mouth - he still spits it out most of the time, but sometimes he lets it dissolve and swallows it. It's just amazing - we are so proud of him!!! I just had to share. Saturday, October 13th, 2001 My but it's been a long while since I've sent an update. Quinn is making great strides in every area imaginable. Eating: He is always willing to try new things, especially if Mommy or Daddy have it. He likes almost everything we feed him, which is wonderful - he even likes broccoli and green beans. Carrots not so much, though. He's getting 3 more teeth in for a total of 5 and that enables him to chew a little bit, which helps him to eat more. This is all good. He does not eat anywhere near enough to sustain himself, but he eats, and this makes us happy happy happy. Quinn sits perfectly on his own, and is getting better and better at his reflexes like catching himself when he falls over and such. He LOVES to stand up, and can even stand on his own against a coffee table or sofa. He sometimes takes little steps at our urging, but is not really anywhere close to being ready to walk yet. As far as crawling, he may still do it - he seems to really want to be mobile, and is even making little motions on his own sometimes to that effect, trying to move himself before he just gives up and cries out for help. He looks like such the little boy these days - he's in 18 months size clothing because he is so tall, and he just looks so handsome in it! I love dressing him up in his little flannel and sweats like Daddy, and his little overalls that Daddy loves so much. As always, Quinn LOVES to be read to, and it is his favorite activity of all time. We just haven't had a full day unless we've read all of his books at least once - from pop-up to Dr. Seuss to lift-a-flap. He helps turn the pages and keeps the stories moving along. Quinn is going to be a year old in just one short week - the 21st of October - man, have we come a long way! What a little miracle he is, just thriving and loving life, when he fought SO hard to be here in this first place. I am so grateful for every moment we have together, I am so grateful for him and all that he is - he is truly my hero, my Mighty Quinn. Well, it seems a lifetime ago
our little precious boy was born and at the
same time just like yesterday. I don't have to wax philosophical on how
he's come through - you all know. We are so proud and so amazed by him
day, and celebrating his birthday with all of our family and friends
past weekend was such an honor. He even got a large package mailed to
all the way from Utah right in the middle of his party - it was
wonderful. Thu, 20 Dec 2001 It has come to my attention
that it's been awhile since an update. Well, no
news is good news, right? Absolutely. Mon, 04 Feb 2002 It's been awhile, so I
thought I'd send an update for those who may be on
the edge of their seats wondering. Quinn is now 15 months old and is as
happy a little guy as ever. He is learning so much every day it is just
wonderful to have the privilege of being a part of that. Wed, 27 Feb 2002 I know I just recently sent
an update but Quinn has made even more progress,
calling for yet another bragging rights update! Sun, 10 Mar 2002 Well, we cannot go having things look 'normal' around here TOO much now, what would people think? I mean, we have a reputation to protect and all. There we were thinking we were having a a relaxing, lazy Sunday, when all of a sudden I hear expletives coming from the other room. I go in to see what all the fuss is about (we really make a point to NOT curse in front of Quinn, so it had to be a big deal), only to find out Quinn's G button has fallen out! There it is, laying in his onesie, complete with a little hole - the culprit. Now, here I must interject for those who do not know, when a G-button falls out one has exactly ONE hour before the skin on the surface begins to close up, thus making it necessary to take a trip to one's local hospital and have surgery place a new tube. Not knowing how long the button had been out, we tried to insert a new one. No luck, it wouldn't go through, so guess what! Off to the ER. Yes, this being Sunday we had no such luck as just being able to run into the clinic or anything. No, we always make sure these things happen on the weekends when it will be necessary to be seen in the ER instead. So, not to bore you with details, surgery had to give him a local anesthetic - 5 needle sticks in the stomach around the already-sore area - yes, you can just guess the screaming that happened there. The new button was then inserted and off we went to x-ray and make sure no accidental tears in the stomach. All clear, so home we went - all took about 3 hours - a short ER stay in our experience. We had almost forgotten how to deal with the stress of being in the ER or the hospital - we did just horribly with it - got all cranky and snapped at nurses and fought with each other. We were SO good at this last year.... Just goes to show you that one never knows. Quinn is happy and great again now that we're home and safe. He's older now and really knows what is happening and when we got there, he immediately knew where we were and started to freak out accordingly. I am SO not looking forward to when he's even older and even MORE aware of what is happening and has to undergo the Fontan. Today was quite a wake-up call. Tomorrow I think I will wake up even MORE
appreciative of being at home. |