February 19, 2001, Quinn went in for his second of the
three open heart surgeries. This one is called the Bi-Directional
Glenn, or the Hemi-Fontan. In this surgery, Dr. Fiore,
his cardiothoracic surgeon, took the Superior Vena Cava
and split it. Half was cordones off, and the other half
was patched to his pulmonary artery to begin
recirculating his blood from the upper half of his body.
This way, only the blue blood from the lower half of the
body is mixing with the red blood in his heart. His upper
half of his body now has a new circulation, and is much
lies My Mighty Quinn the day after his Glenn, and
this is his nurse, Elizabeth. She is our
favourite heart nurse, she takes wonderful care
of him. He's still on the vent, as you can see,
and has 3 drain lines, as well as pacer wires,
IVs and a foley cathater. Not to mention the
pulse ox and the wires to monitor heart rate,
respiration, etc. See all those machines in the
back? Those are his meds.

closer view of Quinn after his surgery. Thank
Goddess he was sedated and medicated. His heart
dressing looks so much better this time though,
as they didn't have to leave it open.