This is
Quintessential Quinn. This photo so embodies exactly who he was,
always. Tie-dyed, colorful, Elmo, on the BLUE slide, smiling and
happy, wearing his light-up dump truck shoes. This was taken at
Lindenwood Park where I took him to play. He LOVED that park. |
In the sandbox
playing with the backhoe. |
By the gate,
giving his best cheesy smile. He LOVED the camera. |
Whee! Down the
slide! |
Daddy getting
that neck! Josh would say, "neck!" and Quinn would throw back his
head, thus exposing his neck, while at the same time covering his
neck with his hands. Josh would nibble his neck and make silly
noises and we would all laugh and giggle fiercely. |
In our next
door neighbor's yard was Quinn's favourite tree. He loved to go and
just stand under it and say hi to it. I have many photos of him
under it. Just before Quinn went in for surgery, the tree was struck
by lightning and half of it came down. The tree was removed from
their yard only days before Quinn went into the hospital. I like to
think that wherever he is, he has his tree with him. |
This was one of
the last three photos taken of Quinn alive. I don't remember if it
was that day, but in this same position I had given him permission
to let go and told him we loved him more than anything and I would
understand. I would always be his mommy no matter what and I would
always always love him. Some part of me knew we would not take him
home from the hospital with us. Some part of me always knew we had
him on borrowed time. Every other photo we have of him makes me
smile except this one - this one always makes me cry. |