I wasn't a Grateful Dead fan untill I saw my first show in July of 1994. I've been hooked ever since. So take these links and pass them around...

dead.net (Official Grateful Dead HQ on the Web)
This site has it all.

My favourite FTP: gdead.berkeley
A place for all things Grateful Dead, maintained for Deadheads by other Deadheads

Unbroken Chain E.zine/magazine
If you aren't already recieving this, you should be. This site has Phish stuph too. Gobs & gobs of LINKS (including tape lists & traders)

Eric Elliott's Furthur Fest page
Will there be a Furthur 2000?

Grateful Dead Links
Another page with lots of links to other Grateful Dead stuff

The Lyrics Book
This is a MS Word document of all the Grateful Dead lyrics (about 1/2 Mb). We got it as a .txt and adjusted it for our purposes.We even left some space for clip-art.
We're converting the complete version with chords to MS Word and adding clipart, table of contents, etc. - coming this summer)

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Comments: alix@igps.org