The Social Security Administration personally attaches to all persons with a SSN a regional jurisdiction by agreement and subjects the person to a foreign collection agent the Internal Revenue Service and a United States court of regional strict liability statutory power. Also, Social Security is administered by an unauthorized regional venue with districts, not de jure States, therefore there has been a false government created transition of persons from State sovereignty to a regional foreign territorialism under the unauthorized federal regional jurisdiction of the "United States"/District of Columbia.
The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that they will be defined as an artificial person by agreement and statute (Title XI Sec. 1101 [a] [31 S.S. Act 1935); and thus they would become a "person" who only had privileges and immunities and no organic Constitutional secured rights to life, liberty and property, also see Section 1101.(a) When used in this Act--" (3) The term "person" means an individual, a trust or estate, a Partnership, or a corporation." Social Security Act, 49 Stat 620 at 647 (1935).
The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that Social Security registration would reform the geographical area of the States into Regions and Districts within regions, not States, repealing all State boundaries and creating a fourth branch of government, not authorized, pursuant to the Supremacy Clause. (Title XI Sec 1101 [a] [2] S.S. Act 1935) also pursuant to Title 42 State Agreement; the term State is defined as the District of Columbia and the term Governor is defined as the Mayor of the District of Columbia, the Social Security Administration has no jurisdiction to involve any one of the several States Republics in this fraud.
The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that they will become a subject of the District of Columbia (Title XI Sec. 1101 [a] [1] S.S. Act 1935) nor do they instruct applicants that as an child under the legal age of 18 they could not enter into such an agreement nor do they inform applicants that the Social Security Application was limited to United States citizens, which no one born in one of the several State Republics is at birth. Further the application had a perjury clause for those who are within the United States which anyone born in one of the several State Republics is not pursuant to Title 28, Sec. 1746 (2).
The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that the definitions in the Social Security Act do not conform to definitions in standard dictionaries; and, they used a public office and place of trust and a superiority of knowledge to deceive applicants into joining. After careful examination of the Social Security Act, 74th Congress, Session I, Ch. 531, August 14, 1935, page 636, Section 702, Duties of Social Security Board, the term "Social Insurance" is used. "Social Insurance" is defined in Black's Law Dictionary as "a comprehensive welfare plan established by law, generally compulsory in nature, and based on a program which spreads the cost of benefits among the entire population rather than on individual recipients. The federal government began to use depreciating insurance programs to raise revenue for international operations in 1935, with the passage of the Social Security Act. The basic federal and state approaches to social insurance presently in use are: Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (i.e. Social Security); Medicare and Medicaid; unemployment insurance; and worker's compensation." Black's Law Dict. 5ED.2 724. Further, in 1938 in Ashwander v. T.V.A., 297 U.S. 288, 346, 56 S.Ct. 466, 482, 80 L.Ed. 688, according to the Ashwander court, "anyone who partakes of the benefits or privileges of a given statute, or anyone who even places himself into a position where he may avail himself of those benefits at will, cannot reach constitutional grounds to redress grievances in the courts against the given statute."
The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants when people, as State Citizens, accepted Social Security they also accepted its definition of "person", and they too, then, are taxed for the privilege of Federal Employment and citizenship and state residence (Federal) through the personal income tax, state and federal. The people of the States were deceived by this act because the government violated the Preamble and law of The Creator. The government allowed the Constitution to be altered outside the bounds of the Preamble (Amendments 13-26) and thus the state Citizens fell victim to government over man instead of man over government.
Social Security (FICA) is a voluntary social insurance policy which, by submission, suborns this Affiant, an otherwise Free, Natural, Citizen of your state of birth into the Federal, corporate, jurisdiction same said as a Federal Employee or Employer, that has been created within regional concepts, under the authority of the United States Constitution, 14th Amendment, to divest the posterity of their birthright in the Statute of 1776 (The Declaration of Independence) and to reduce the posterity to mere subjects of the United States, in order to raise revenue for the cause of the New World Order, and, thereby, reduce the sovereignty of the several 50 States to no affect, as districts, in a scheme of centralized/international government through the national socialist scheme of the Social Security Act.
The Social Security (FICA) social insurance scheme is deployed to limit, by supersedeas quasi contract, my personam of de jure jus sanguinis "State Citizen", with intent, through misrepresentation, to impair, extort and divest me of my naturally-given Unalienable Rights, otherwise protected by the limitations and prohibitions set out in the Organic Law for the united States of America by requiring me through uninformed, implied and direct, consent (submission) to surrender or limit the affect of my personam of State Citizen, to accomplish ends wholly beyond the sphere marked out by the Declaration of Independence (1776), the original Constitution for the United States of America (1787), the Bill of Rights (1791) and the original Constitution for your state of birth.
The Social Security scheme (FICA) is a stealthy encroachment on, and an easy way, via government-controlled media blitz propaganda, to circumvent, the limitation(s) and guarantee(s), provided by "We the People", against singular centralized, international government, specifically, but not limited to, the limitations and guarantees against abridgment and subordination of my inalienable and Unalienable Rights granted by The Creator, as expressed and asserted in the original Constitution for your state of birth, the Declaration of independence (1776), as set out in the original Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and its Bill of Rights (1791), and, as earlier expressed and asserted in the Declaration and Resolves of The First Continental Congress (1774).
Participation in Social Security, a social insurance policy, and the agency (power of attorney) scheme thereunder, is an attempt by creatures of the government, or coparties, to compel one into a joint adventure, with regional (interstate and international) statutory implications, of an intragovernmental nature, in the unauthorized jurisdiction(s) that now exist by the United States, codified pursuant to declaratory Amendments not authorized for Citizens of the States, in the Constitution for the United States of America.
Only as an adult and not an child, and by informed consent, with full disclosure, can the government exercise an unauthorized intragovernmental authority over a Citizen, in the jurisdiction(s) of the "United States", outside the limitations of the original Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights (1791).
All power (right) belongs within the Citizen, to accept or deny control, in areas of law which are not within the jurisdiction of the organic Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and the Constitutions for the several States of the Union, that could pertain, or attempt to pertain, to a Citizen, as one of "We the People" of the several States, found in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America (1787), which power (right) is protected by the limitations and prohibitions set out in the 9th and 10th Articles in Amendment to the Organic Constitution (Bill of Rights [1791]).