This guy needs his own radio show, or how about a talk/variety show on MTV? Anyway, I've known the good Reverend for many years, and I expect he'll be around for a good many more. He's the kind of rebel who won't stay dead even when you kill him.
Rev. Dr. C. Frank Lee, ULC, HHZBE, ROHHC, POEE, IGPS, ETC...
I was sitting on my couch and it all became clear. The aliens are merely part of the Bavarian Illuminati "Operation Mind Fuck". Just costumes and high-tech equipment. The plot is much deeper and much sicker than I had feared. You see, I was pondering the whole Clinton thing and how it tied in to the Y2K thing and the alien thing. I excrameditated long and hard on the subject. Then, upon returning to the couch, it hit me. I had forgotten two important pieces of the puzzle. The Bavarian Illuminati and the New World order.
You see, the original plan was to collapse the world economy by the year two-thousand. Through stock manipulation, bogus funds and all that other crap, they were well on the way to leaving the world in need of a one-world government and a one-world economy. But the American people realized the trickle-down economy was trickling in to the Republican Party's pockets and not to the people, so we elected a democrat and ruined their plot. With the economy recovering, they had to fall back on their secondary a plan. A plan that began when IBM got into the home computer business. IBM, one of the largest Illuminati organizations, created the Y2K problem then and insured that it would continue until almost too late. Then the spread of world wide panic: they shut down the economy, shut down the power, and disgrace the Democratic Party. As Y2K arrives, in come the New World Order.
The alien thing is a ruse to keep people like us occupied while they do their dirty work. The sneaky bastards.
Rev. Dr. C. Frank Lee, ULC, HHZBE, ROHHC, POEE, IGPS, ETC...
I was watching an infomercial for the "Protien Power Plan". A dietician came on and was talking about the research he had done. It seems he went to a government pig farm and took a look at what goes into the food they use to fatten pigs with. He found that the government-approved pig fattening food contains 14% protien, 63% carbohydrate and 23% fat. He then looked up the USDA recommended diet for humans and found the government recommends a diet consisting of 15% protien 60% carbohydrate and 25%fat. When he said that, it all became clear. The plot becomes even sicker. The USDA is fattening up the people just like they fatten pigs for slaughter.
It was during the Reagan administration that the USDA suddenly decided proper heath required more carbs and less protien. The Republicans are controlled by (if not entirely made up of) aliens. They want to collapse the world economy to usher in the New World Order. Also, by shutting down the power grid all the internet and the food supply, people will panic and fill the streets making them easier to harvest for food for the aliens. The New World order and Bavarian Illuminati are all apart of the alien menace and must be stopped! Arm yourselves will high powered weapons and shield your house with a plasma field lest you become food for the aliens.
Rev. Dr. C. Frank Lee, ULC, HHZBE, ROHHC, POEE, IGPS, ETC...
These Terms did not exist when I was in grade school. You were labeled lazy. Oh, the teachers knew I was Intelligent. They couldn't understand why I didn't make the grades my tests showed I could. They put me in special programs and everything. No matter what they tried, I never did my homework. I always got A's on the tests but I never did my homework. I scored genius levels on I.Q. test but never did my homework. For this they labeled me depressed and learning disabled. Next came the barrage of mind numbing drugs - uppers, downers, psycotropics. By the time I was fifteen they had tried over one hundred different chemicals yet I still did not do my homework. Then since none of their drugs made me what they wanted me to be they gave up on me. Then I was transfered to a private school; a small school started as an experiment by a local liberal arts collage and then continued on by the students who participated in the experiment back in the sixties. There I became a straight A student over night. They didn't grade homework. They went off test scores alone. While there I experimented with many other mind altering substances some of which I made in the chemistry lab while the teachers were out. But I digress. At 16 I dropped out of high school because I thought I was to smart for it. Got my GED within a week and enrolled in the Liberal Arts University which had started my little high school. Once in collage I began to experience some of the same difficulties I had in public school. Then a teacher asked me if I had ever been tested for dyslexia I said no. She had me tested and low and behold I was labeled Dyslexic. So then came special classes with teachers that treated you like kindergartners and that my classmates had all forms of mental disabilities most much more sever than I was. Frustrated, I turned once again to modern psychiatry. Again came a barrage of chemicals to make me into a modern drone.
Life went on; chaos reigned upon the earth. And then, the other day I was sitting on the couch thinking of my personal savior Albert Einstein (Uncle Al). I often pray to him for guidance. I remembered how when he was young he flunked out oh kindergarten. He exhibited many of the same symptoms of "learning disabilities" I myself have been labeled with and I wondered: If Albert Einstein were born today and had been put on Prozac or ritalin or some other chemical to make him sit still and obey, would he have become the man he did? Would he have discovered the theory of relativity? Probably not.
Then it hit me. They know that people like me are like Uncle Al. They don't want any more Albert Einstiens in the world unless they are born with lots of money and to a Republican/Bavarian Illuminati Family. So they numb our minds with chemicals to prevent us from thinking for ourselves. They realize we are smart enough to figure out what they're up to and they feel threatened. So they numb our minds with chemicals to make us good little citizens. Wake up all you ADHD bone-heads! The only thing wrong with you is you're smarter than them and can't learn at the slow-ass pace public schools provide. So they fear you and want to numb your mind with chemicals. Don't do it. You're smarter than them. See them for who they are. Expose the conspiracies before it's too late.
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