

Spirituality is incredibly important to me, and I find it everywhere - in a rock, a leaf, a tree. In children, in work and play, in my husband, in sex, in music, in my child. I am very eclectic in my beliefs, and rather then drone n about it ad nauseum, I decided to just include some links to different places that tickle my spirit in one way or another.

Disinformation, Revolutionaries and Impropaganda

The Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson Show


Hot Rod Your Head!

The Official Robert Anton Wilson Homepage




Paradigm Shift

Synergetics on the Web

Phreaks, Geeks and Weirdos

Zecharia Sitchin The Art Bell Website


 This is Miriam Joan Hill and Robert Anton


Church of the Subgenius Discordian.com
The Principia Discordia Discordian Coloring Book
Mystical Smoking Head of Bob  
  Discordia Links

Now at last! The step-by-step process


Pagan Events Calendar - Missouri Region St. Louis Council for Alternative Spiritual Traditions
The Witches Voice Cyberwitch
The Cauldron, a Pagan Forum Avatar Search
Drak.net Green Egg Magazine
  Spirited Women Magazine
Circle Sanctuary Brushwood

For the Spirit

Association for Consciousness Exploration (A.C.E.) Universal Life Church
Beyond Duality The Burning Man Project Official Site
Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife Caroline Myss
Lightworker.com NDE Research Foundation
Prebirth Communication  


Dalai Lama Dharma Haven
Kalachakra.net Tibet Online