I wasn't sure weather to say 'midwifery' or 'homebirth'. Really I am for both. I had a homebirth with my son and fully intend to have any other births I have at home in the comfort and safety of my own home, in familiar surroundings, with my own germs afoot. I feel that birth is a natural process and not a medical one (except in emergencies), and that the mother and child are best served in a familiar environment and with people they trust and know. When Quinn was born we were surrounded by my closest friends, my mother and my husband, and it was the most amazing experience I have ever felt. After his birth we were able to sleep in our own bed and our own home and feel comfortable and safe. I was able to labor in my bathroom, my shower, and on my own bed. It was by far an experience I would highly recommend to anyone. Here are some stories and resources for homebirth and midwifery: Midwifery and Homebirth To Mother - With Love Articles, thoughts and facts on a number of mother-related issues. Great links to homebirth and midwifery sites. Childbirth.org Birth is a natural process, not a medical procedure. Pregnancy is a very special time in a person's life. Educating yourselves to be good consumers, knowing your options, and how to provide yourselves with the best possible care are essential to a healthy pregnancy. Enjoy the many links of educational, informational, and personal nature. Citizens For Midwifery "In every country where I have seen real progress in maternity care, it was women's groups working together with midwives that made the difference." - Marsden Wagner, MD, MSPH Innerself Magazine Article on Do-It-Yourself Childbirth The Unassisted Childbirth Page Welcome to my home page. As faith in both the self, and God/Goddess/the inner self increases in our society, more and more women and couples are choosing to give birth at home, without the assistance of doctors or midwives. And although this may shock and frighten some people, contrary to popular opinion, unassisted birth can actually be safer than assisted birth. When a woman is not interfered with, either physically by the assistant's hand (constant checking, monitoring, drugs, etc.), or psychologically by her own mind (fear, shame, and guilt), babies are often born quickly and easily. Please wander through this site to learn more about this most traditional approach to childbirth. Yoni Gateway to the Feminine (This site is a must!) The Compleat Mother The Magazine of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Breastfeeding Freestone Innerprizes Jeannine Parvati and Frederick "Rico" Baker have made conscious and healthy parenting their basic spiritual path. This has led them to explore and affirm the value of Conscious Conception, Prenatal Yoga, Free Birth, gentle parenting, home education, home business, herbal health, gender balance, conscious community and Earth Birth.