A WWW Odyssey
I searched the World Wide Web in vain
Worked spiders, worms, and crawlers hard
The engines produced nary a link
From the string "midi grieg edvard"
"Build Your Own Sun Dial" resulted
From a search for "grieg midi archive"
And when I browsed a German page,
I got Beethoven's Symphony number 5
I began to reconsider my task
Before I searched another batch
Yahoo is the one I go to
When searching for an exact match
To yahoo.options I did go
And typed in "hall of the mountain king".
To my browser came this link-
a URL for the very same thing.
As I clicked the link, I doubted
Whether perhaps therein it hid
But when I saw the plug-in load
I knew I'd found my .MID
I watched the status bar below
Waited 'till the file was sent
Then fast to the netscape/cache I flew
And promptly named the file peergynt.
Forward this epic odyssey tale
Or surf this page to get the file
Put it in your Web Page or
Have fun building your own
sun dial.

[Enter the Temple]